
原创 新人教版核心词汇全方位拓展 必修B2U1

宋夫利,吴娜 爱V高中英语 2023-09-17

必修B2U1  刘雪玲 王俞敏

顾娟   李玲  李金秋  吴娟娟 












B2U1 Cultural Heritage
作者:刘雪玲 王俞敏











1. promote

/prəˈməʊt/ v.


 to encourage people to like, buy or support something; to raise someone to a higher position or rank

 v. 促进,促销,推广;提升,晋升


  三单: promotes        现在分词: promoting

过去分词: promoted   


例1:Which level of background noise may promote creative thinking ability?

--2021 全国 III  D篇

例2: Hunters bring in more than 300,000 nutria tails a year, so part of Mouton’s job these days is trying to promote fur. 

-- 2020全国 II  C篇  

例3: It promoted the sales of artworks.                    -- 2019 年全国 III  B篇                               

例4:That is, in order to make more money or get promoted, you need to “specialize”.

--Poor Dad. Rich Dad《富爸爸穷爸爸》

例5:Many middle managers remain middle managers, failing to get promoted because they know how to work with people below them, but not with people above them.  --Poor Dad. Rich Dad《富爸爸穷爸爸》


1. promote the development of  __________________

2. promote economic and cultural exchanges _________________

3. promote world peace ______________

4. 从......(职位)中提拔某人 _______________








4. 为了弘扬中国文化,我们计划下周五举办一次书法大赛。




1.promote the development of 促进......的发展

2.promote economic and cultural exchanges 促进经济文化交流

3.promote world peace 促进世界和平

4.promote sb. from ....... 从......(职位)中提拔某人


1. 他们讨论如何促进两国间的合作。

They discussed how to promote cooperation between the two countries.

2. 他已经被提升为总经理。

He has been promoted to general manager.

3. 他发起了一项提醒人们要保护野生动物的活动。

He promoted a campaign to remind the public of protecting the wildlife.


To promote Chinese culture, we are planning to hold a competition of calligraphy.


/ˈbæləns/ v.n.


a state where things are of equal weight or force; put sth in such a way that it does not fall down

n. 平衡;v. (使)平衡;权衡


三单:balances      现在分词:balancing     过去分词:balanced   

同根词:imbalance n. 不平衡;不均衡;失衡;失调


例1: Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge.       

-- 教材原句P4

例2: An A-team may require a balance-- not just A players, but a few generous B players as well.                                        -- 2019北京七选五  

例3: These actions have greatly affected the ecological balance.      -- 2019 天津C篇  

例4: Through such a balance, he had created a new type of Chinese architecture, said Tadao Ando, the winner of the 1995 Pritker Prize.                                                      

--2018全国III C篇

例5:The group didn't know it yet, but Richard was experiencing some changes himself. Recently separated from his wife, he was now trying to balance his career with raising his teenagers.

 --Who moved my cheeze?《谁动了我的奶酪》 

例6: I sat down on the narrow ledge; I hushed the scared infant in my lap: you turned an angle of the road: I bent forward to take a last look; the wall crumbled; I was shaken; the child rolled from my knee,I lost my balance, fell, and woke.

 --Jane Eyre《简爱》


1. balance A by/ with B __________________

2. a balanced diet ___________

3. 保持......的平衡_________

4.  失去平衡______________














1.balance A by/ with B 使AB双方均衡

2.a balanced diet 均衡饮食

3.keep the balance of ... 保持......的平衡

4.lose one’s balance 失去平衡


1. 进入高中后,我发现在学习和娱乐中难以平衡。

After entering the senior school, I found it hard to keep the balance between studying and entertainment.

2. 小女孩失去了平衡,从平衡木上摔下来了。

The girl lost her balance and fell off the balance beam.


You should keep a balanced diet to keep fit.


/prɪˈvent/  n.


to stop something from happening or someone from doing something; v. 阻止,妨碍;预防;

【formation】 三单:prevents          现在分词:preventing      过去分词: prevented   


例1:A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics.  --教材原句P4

例2: At first I got jammed just above my eyes and then, as I went on with my task,unwilling to quit, my nose briefly prevented entry.

-- 2021年1月浙江读后续写原文

例3: The State Council released Guidelines on Conducting Covid-19 Prevention and Control on an Ongoing Basis. - 2020江苏A篇

例4:We are finally waking up to the seventy of the problem by supporting and developing a group of tools, apps and approaches intended to prevent scammers from getting through.


例5:Lockhart stopped abruptly in the middle of counting the number of murders he had prevented.    

--Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 2《哈利·波特与密室》

例6:The pride which, you tell me, has long prevented the expression of your affection, can have little difficulty in conquering your feelings after this explanation.  --Pride And prejudice《傲慢与偏见》


1.prevent a disaster __________________

2.阻止某人做某事 ________________










1.prevent a disaster 阻止一场灾难

2.prevent sb/sth from sth/doing sth 阻止某人做某事


1. 他们正在努力预防事故的发生。

They are taking effort to prevent accidents.

2. 不要让任何事情妨碍你做好本职工作。

Let nothing prevent you from doing your duty.

3. 我们应该采取措施阻止洪水威胁那个地区。

We should take measures to prevent the flood from threatening that area.


/ˈkɒn.trɪ.bjuːt/  v. n.


join with others in giving money or help; help in causing a situation, event or condition; write and send a written article to a magazine, newspaper.  

v. 捐献,捐助;起促进作用;投稿


三单:contributes       现在分词:contributing   过去分词:contributed     

同根词:contribution n. (常用复数 contributions)   


例1: The group asked for contributions from different departments and raised funds within the international community.   


例2: Research has shown that emotional skills may contribute to some of these qualities, but most of them move far beyond skill-based emotional intelligence.   

-- 2021 全国 I 卷 D篇  

例3:My labors lasted about two weeks, and the farmer said there might be more work, but I wasn't interested. I decided it was not fair that I had to contribute my money.

-- 2021浙江读后续写原文

例4:Positive thinking also contributes to one’s ability to deal with problems and hardships.                                           -- 2020北京七选五

例5:Our retirement funds are growing only through our individual contributions.

 -- --Poor Dad. Rich Dad《富爸爸穷爸爸》

例6: Look, school is very, very important. You go to school to learn a skill or profession so as to be a contributing member of society. 

 -- --Poor Dad. Rich Dad《富爸爸穷爸爸》


1. contribute an article to a newspaper ______________________

2. contribute to solving the problem of  ____________________

3. contribute oneself to (doing) sth. ________________________

4.(把...)捐给...,投(稿)给 __________________________

5. 为......作贡献 _______________________________________


1. 她定期向校刊投稿。


2. 诚实加苦干有助于成功和幸福。






1.contribute an article to a newspaper 向报社投稿

2.contribute to solving the problem of 


3.contribute oneself to (doing) sth. 致力于......,献身于......

4.contribute to (把...)捐给...,投(稿)给

5.make contributions to (doing) sth. 为......作贡献


1. 她定期向校刊投稿。

  She regularly contributes her fiction to the college magazine.

2. 诚实加苦干有助于成功和幸福。

  Honesty and hard work contribute to success and happiness.

3. 他对公司的成功作出了重要的贡献。

  He has made an important contribution to the company’s success.

=He has made important contributions to the company’s success.


/dəʊˈneɪt/  v.


to give money or goods to help a person or organization 

 v. 捐赠,捐助;


 三单 donates      现在分词donating     过去分词donated   

同根词donation n.  donator n.  


例1: Fifty countries donated nearly $80 million to the project.              -- 教材P4

例2: And then he would donate them to folks who could truly use them but didn’t have the budget to buy one.  

-- 2021天津 完形填空

例3: This has led companies and individuals to donate money to developing countries to buy computer equipment and Internet facilities.   

 -- 2019江苏C篇

例4: I am not saying that those things are necessarily more important, but many donators have rushed into fancy programmes without carefully assessing the relative long-term costs and benefits of alternative uses of their money.

     -- 2019江苏C篇

例5: They sit there and let the government's needles enter their arm and allow the blood donation to begin.                 --Poor Dad. Rich Dad《富爸爸穷爸爸》


1.donate organ__________________

2..向......捐赠......  ______________








1.donate organ 捐献器官

2.donate sth to sb. 向......捐赠......



This business donated a lot of money to the hospital.


The government calls on the youth to donate their blood voluntarily.

6 .attempt

/əˈtempt/   v. n.


make an effort to do sth

 v. n. 企图;试图;尝试


三单attempts      现在分词attempting     过去分词attempted  

同根词attempted adj.


例1: Why did the Egyptian government want to attempt the building of the dam?   

-- 教材P5

例2: Three days ago, the light in our living room suddenly went out. After several frustrating hours of unsuccessful attempts to fix it, my husband suggested watching the Michael Jordan documentary series The Last Dance.

 -- 2021天津阅读B篇

例3: Tom has since reported the shocking findings to the government in an attempt to emphasize that babies are at higher risk of developing asthma(哮喘).

 -- 2020北京阅读B篇

例4: Every year about 40,000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa.

  -- 2019全国Ⅰ完型

例5: Her friend attempted to tell her to look within herself to see if the game "reflected" on herself in any way.                

 --Poor Dad. Rich Dad《富爸爸穷爸爸》


1.attempt to do sth__________________

2.试图/尝试 ______________








1.attempt to do sth 企图/尝试去做某事

2.make an attempt 试图/尝试



He gave up the attempt in despair.


He is now attempting to appeal.


/kənˈdʌkt; / v. n.


to organize and/or do a particular activity; to direct a group of people who are singing or playing music 

 v. 组织;实施;指挥音乐


 三单 conducts      现在分词conducting     过去分词conducted   

同根词adj. conductive   n.conductor 


例1: Experts investigated the issue, conducted several tests and then made a proposal for how the buildings could be saved.                                   

 -- 教材P4

例2:With her dad’s permission, she spent the next two years researching online and conducting trials to get a recipe that was both tasty and tooth-friendly.                             --2019北京阅读B篇

例3: Why did Babbitt’s team conduct the research?

-- 2018全国Ⅰ卷D篇

例4: Meanwhile, we would be divided into several groups to conduct competitions every two weeks.

 -- 2017全国Ⅲ卷作文范文

例5: She accepted the rules with which they played the game of life as valid for them, but never for a moment thought of regulating her own conduct in accordance with them.   

 --The Moon and Sixpence《月亮和六便士》


1.conduct research__________________

2.行为准则 ______________








1.conduct research 进行研究

2. code of conduct 行为准则



The children are rewarded for good conduct and punished for bad conduct.


The local authorities hoped to conduct 80,000 corona-virus tests.


/fəˈɡɪv/  v.


to stop blaming or grant forgiveness

 v. 原谅;免除


 三单 forgives      现在分词forgiving    过去式 forgave

过去分词forgiven  同根词forgiveness n.  


例1: Those viewing the quality of Abbot Hall’s temporary exhibitions may be forgiven for thinking they are in a city gallery.             

    -- 2020全国Ⅱ卷阅读A篇

例2: Jo jumped at Amy and shook her shoulders. “You wicked, wicked girl!” cried Jo. I will never, ever forgive you! And she ran out of the room.

  -- Little Women《小妇人》

例3: Slowly, Amy began to understand the terrible thing she had done, and started to cry. Later, when Jo appeared for tea, Amy begged her sister to forgive her.

 -- Little Women《小妇人》

例4: At that moment Mr Sowerberry returned and,hearing what had happened(according to the ladies), he beat O liver so hard that even Mr Bumble and Mrs Sowerberry were satisfied.Mr Sowerberry was not a cruel man,but he had no choice. He knew that if he didn't punish O liver, his wife would never forgive him.        

--Oliver Twist 《雾都孤儿》   

例5: “I do,” she whispered, “but please try to forget me. It would ruin your future as a politician if anybody found out about my birth. I could never, never forgive myself.”         、--Oliver Twist 《雾都孤儿》


1.forgive sb for (doing) sth__________________

2.请原谅我 ______________


1. 我希望你能原谅我。


2. 我没有义务宽恕你。




1.forgive sb for (doing) sth 原谅某人(做)某事

2.please forgive me 请原谅我



I hope you can forgive me.


I am under no obligation to forgive you.


/ˈlaɪkli/  adj. adv.


has a good chance of being the case or of coming about

 adj. 很可能的


 同根词likable adj.


例1: Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroying cultural relics that were important part of Egypt's cultural heritage.            

-- 教材P4

例2: They are likely to play with tougher puzzles.                    

-- 2020全国Ⅱ卷B篇

例3: She also said there were likely a number of other genes that help the Bajau dive.

   -- 2020 全国Ⅲ卷C篇

例4: But if AI does eventually prove to be our downfall, it is unlikely to be at the hands of human-shaped forms like these, with recognizably human motivations such as aggression.

     -- 2020北京D篇

例5: "Sure," replied rich dad. "When a person says, `I need to find a job,' it's most likely an emotion doing the thinking. Fear of not having money generates that thought."    

-Poor Dad. Rich Dad《富爸爸穷爸爸》


1.be likely to do sth__________________

2.可能.... ______________








1. be likely to do sth 有可能....

2. It is likely that....  可能....



He is likely to leave for New York next week.


It is likely that I shall go to Shanghai tomorrow.


/ˌwɜːθˈwaɪl/  adj.


sufficiently valuable to justify the investment of time or interest

 adj. 重要的;令人愉快的;有趣的;值得(花时间、金钱、努力等)的;有价值的,有益的;值得做的


 同根词worthy adj.


例1: A lot of money was spent to protect the temples. Do you think it was worthwhile why or why not?           

 -- 教材P5

例2: Want to explore new cultures, meet new people and do something worthwhile at the same time?   

 -- 2019北京 阅读A篇

例3: Melissa, his daughter, felt it more than worthwhile to save his music, to which she fell asleep catch night when she was young.

     -- 2019江苏D篇

例4: ‘I don't know Mr. Bingley at all,but Mr. Darcy can be a pleasant companion if he thinks it worthwhile.’               --Pride And prejudice《傲慢与偏见》


1.a worthwhile job_________________

2.值得做某事  ______________








1.a worthwhile job 一项值得做的工作

2. It is worthwhile to do / doing sth  值得做某事


1. 教书是一种有价值的职业。

   Teaching is a worthwhile calling.

2. 这位老师推荐给学生一些真正有价值的小说。

The teacher recommended some really worthwhile novels to his students.




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